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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have further questions or concerns, please reach out to Julie so she can assist you.

Pageant Information

Private Interview

"Round robin" style of interview is a timed 1-on-1 private conversation with each judge. Appropriate attire includes an interview suit (may be a pant suit , jumpsuit or skirt suit), a nice style dress, or jumpsuit. We would recommend a solid color.      

50% of your score is based on how well you show the judges your ability to articulate, show confidence, as well as your overall personality and appearance.

Fitness  in Swimsuit

A one-piece swimsuit will be provided. Nylons may be worn, but NOT required,  however we suggest sheer to waist nylons as they look the most natural on stage. The pageant will provide a wrap to be worn during the swimsuit competition.  25% of your score is based on figure, fitness, posture, beauty and confidence. During your year as a state titleholder your schedule can be very demanding, being physical fit and healthy is a very important part of the competition. Try to take 15 minutes out of your day to do something physical, even if it is taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Evening Gown

Choose a floor length gown any color any style. 25% of your score is based on your poise, posture, grace, elegance, your overall look, how well your carry yourself as well as how well your choice of gown compliments you and your figure.

Opening Number

Your opening number dress will be provided and given to you at workshop, registration or shipped a head of time if you pay for shipping. The opening number and introductions are not scored. And... we don't dance!

Scoring System

25% fitness, 25% evening gown, 50% private interview.  Semi-finalists will be selected, if we have a minimum number or contestants, from preliminary scoring and joined by the Fabulous Face winner.  Semi-finalist will answer an on stage question. The judges will then rank the contestants in the order they wish them to placed. 

Mrs. AmeriCAN title

The Mrs. Indiana/Michigan AmeriCAN title is awarded to the contestant placing as 1st runner up. The new Mrs. Indiana/Michigan AmeriCAN title holder will compete in their own national competition against every other state's Mrs. 1st runner up for the National title of Mrs. AmeriCAN during the national pageant week in Las Vegas. The new Mrs. American goes on with the new Mrs. America to compete for the international title of Mrs. World.

Mrs. State AmeriCAN title holders are eligible to compete at their state competition the year after crowning her successor.



When you receive your local banner it is time to make appearances! Go to your local newspaper or Chamber of Commerce and find the local happenings in your community. Select the things that fit into your schedule and that interest you. It could be a parade, or Special Olympics or Grand Opening to a new business. What ever it is, you will be strong and positive addition to the event.

Who make up the staff?

All of the staff are volunteers and are involved in this program with the goal of making this event an enjoyable experience for you and your families. Please be courteous to them, they have a very tough job making the event go smoothly.

Are ads. required?

Ads are a nice way to showcase yourself, your title and the support of your community.  Everyone is required to purchase ONE full page ad.  Check out the current Program Book for ad page ideas.

Do I need a platform?

A platform is something you do for someone or group that you are passionate about. No, you do not have to have a platform. It is always nice to do nice things in your community and there are many ways to do that. Volunteering in anyway on an ongoing basis can be very rewarding.

What is the entry fee?

The participation fee is $595.  (Unless you enter during a discounted period) The participation fee can be paid by the contestant or may be paid by sponsors. What does a sponsor get in return for giving you money for your entrance fee. This is up to you. The best way is by doing an appearance or appearances in exchange. Most business would have to pay a model for appearances, why not you. You may list up to 10 sponsors in the Official Program Book.

**Please understand it is our long-standing policy that there are NO REFUNDS on any paid fees that you or someone paid on your behalf, once you have been accepted as a contestant. No exceptions!!!

What does the pageant weekend look like?

The event weekend varies year to year based on the number of contestants, location, and date. In the past, we have had an official "check-in" window on Friday afternoon with a blocking rehearsal directly following. A welcome reception on Friday night and then an early bed time. Pageant day begins with private interviews, a group lunch, and then closed rehearsals. A short window for hair and makeup touchups may be allowed before the doors open and the curtain draws for the pageant production.

What do I need to get started?

Once you click "Join Now", Julie will be in touch via email. Then send your application in with a$ 295 deposit (that goes toward your $595 participation fee). Everyone competing in the state competition will represent the area where they live or work. There is a lot of pride representing your city or county in the state event and we are proud of you. After we receive your application additional paperwork will follow that you will need to fill out for the state event.


You can pay your application fee by money order or  via PayPal or Venmo at     Returning contestants always get a discounted rate!

Can I hire a professional hair and makeup team?

The event weekend varies year to year based on the number of contestants, location, and date. In the past, there has been time before your private interviews to have a professional team do your hair and makeup. There may or may not be an option to have your professional team touch-up your hair and makeup before the pageant. Julie will inform you of the protocol within plenty of time before pageant weekend.

We have a list of great hair and makeup teams and sponsors who are available during the pageant weekend. You'll find that information in your competition packet or at the pageant workshop.

What if I am new and need help?

Everyone needs help from time to time.  Julie and the staff are always available to help guide you. Feel free to direct message either the Michigan or Indiana instagram accounts or you can text/call Julie!

Each year, the staff offers a pageant workshop a number of weeks before the pageant. You'll be able to get more information about the pageant weekend, a mock (practice) interview with a panel of judges, a walking class, and a meet and greet with reigning queens. You will find the information for this optional workshop in your competition packet.

Julie's Cell: 574-214-3404

JD  PRODUCTIONS, LLC    |     Bristol, IN, USA    |

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